Independent Cardiff Locksmith - Reports

We can supply independent and non-biased locksmith Reports. We arrange our reports for all reasons including tenants or houses for there agents to resolve security issues. Insurance companies for whatever reason they may wish to need one. New homeowners for many reasons including just moving in when they want a report to identify security issues.


Auto Locksmith - Reports

We can even arrange reports for vehicle owners from our Auto Locksmith's service.

  • See how many keys are programmed in a vehicle
  • Whether the locks are original (security issue)
  • Immobiliser Faults


Home Locksmith - Reports 

We can come out and do locksmith reports in Cardiff. You may wish for a locksmith security report for many different reasons. These could be for surveyors when selling or buying a house. Insurance companies to check the security of the integrity of the home. By James Locksmith Cardiff supplying a home report on the security with giving detailed facts about the weak security aspect if we find anything below our criteria. Then we would give detailed feedback on how to improve the security. Third parties use our reports as we are professional locksmiths in Cardiff and give non-biased feedback to whom it is needed.