Cardiff & South Wales 24/7 Emergency Locksmith

Safe Locksmiths Cardiff

Safe Locksmith Opening Cardiff - Information 

What Safes Can We OpenSafe Opening - James

James Cardiff Locksmith offers a Safe Opening Service In from our Safe Engineer and around Cardiff. We can also offer this service all around the country but will only open Safes in an Emergency in and around the Cardiff Area as our locksmiths are continuously busy and struggle to be in far places in a short time.  We value ourselves as being highly skilled locksmiths with our knowledge and understanding of locking systems, Whichever they may be. 

The most common safe we come across is small safes from a local store where keys have been lost and the keypad is no longer working due to batteries running low or completely flat. As the batteries are held inside on the smaller safes and keys are not present the only way of opening other than physical damage is call a locksmith who specializes in opening safes. 

There are 3 types of safes. Which are all commonly used throughout the whole World which James Cardiff Locksmith has got a lot of knowledge and experience of opening.

1. Mechanical key Safes

Mechanical Key Locks are by far the most efficient, cost-effective locks fitted on today's Safes. These Locks have been around the longest and are still one of the most common locks in working order. They work by you have a manual key which is put in the lock and in turn lifts the leavers and pulls back the bolt. Mechanical safes work by the higher the Cash Rating of the Safe the more leavers the Safe will have which will make the opening of the Safe without a key pretty difficult and impossible to somebody who has no training or understanding of the locking mechanism on the Safe. James your Locksmith Cardiff has had fully qualified training on safes and are renowned for having a high skill set to open Key Operated Safes. 

2. Combination Dial Safes

Combination Safes are where you have to dial in a combination of numbers from clockwise to anticlockwise in either 4 or 5 number rotations dependent on the security of your safes lock. Here at James Cardiff Locksmith we are able to Open Combination Safe Locks. This usually takes our locksmiths between 2 and 3 hours to open as they are quite a difficult safe lock to be manipulated. Combination Safes have been used for hundreds of years and the theory behind it is very impressive. These locks are normally of very high security and still located in many businesses, Banks and even post offices due to criminals being unable to open them. 

3. Keypad Digital Safes  

Keypad Digital safes are safes that have a dial which you physical pushbuttons into the keypad. It can really vary between how many numbers you wish to push into the keypad. The More numbers someone chooses the better security is due to its harder for someone to watch and memorise the numbers you used and less chance of someone ever trying to guess the password for the safe. Keypads Safes usual have a series of 9 numbers being used in any sequence of up to how many times someone wishes to use them. The numbers are usually offered between 1 to 9. We recommend to everyone who has just purchased one of these safes not too use any thing easy to guess such as Date Of Births. do not use this as it is easy achievable to be guessed by most criminals as criminals will ofter do there homework before trying to crack open a safe. 


Dealing with Safes that will not and won't open for no love or money is part of our locksmith and Safe opening Job. We assist in all different ranges of Safes when Safes cannot be opened. There could be several reasons why the door of that dreaded safe cannot be opened or even why the key cannot be unlocked.

  • Cash Causing Door Not To OpenLocksmiths Safe Repair
  • Key Not Turning In Lock
  • Handle To Locking Mechanism won't Turn
  • Dial Safe won't Turn
  • Dial Pad Safe Wont Work

Cash Causing Safe Not To Open

One instance that occurs regularly is cash being jammed between the door and jamb of the safe. This causes many obstacles on the opening one which is needed for a safe engineer to rectify.  This is a usual telltale sign of all the moving parts working including the lock and the handle to operate the locking Mechanism just the door cannot physically be pulled open.